Training and Events Calendar

LG Professionals WA has a busy annual events schedule, running a variety of high quality and topical professional development conferences and networking events on a regular basis at locations around Western Australia.

Offering excellent networking opportunities our events are very popular and highly regarded by local government officers. Whether you are new to local government, worked in the industry for 30 years, want to meet new people, want to catch up with colleagues you've known for years, or simply want to increase your knowledge in a specialist area we have an event for you!

We also know that local government is a fast-paced industry and workloads and time away from the office need prior planning and organising.

To assist local government officers in planning their time for the months ahead, we have compiled a training and events calendar detailing all our training programs, conferences, forums, PD events, and webinars (where these dates are confirmed).

* Please note further events (and event dates) may be added to the calendar throughout the year.


Download the latest Calendar, print and display it for your colleagues to see.

2024 Training and Events Calendar July - December    

* Please note our calendar is a six-monthly calendar, 2025 training and event dates will be released towards the end of 2024.

Reviewed 17 June 2024