Webinar Series - DLGSC Quarterly Update

The Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC) is committed to supporting a robust local government sector to achieve positive outcomes for communities in Western Australia.

A key priority for DLGSC is to develop a supporting environment that provides local governments with necessary tools to build a transparent, accountable and innovative sector.

To do this, DLGSC is partnering with LG Professionals WA to hold a series of webinars which aims to improve sector capacity building through collaboration, education and providing best practice tools and resources. 

  * Please note - in order to consistently provide quality and engaging content the monthly webinar series has been reformatted to a quarterly update, with the May webinar removed from the calendar and the quarterly update commencing in June.

At the June webinar we will be joined by Dr Kelsie Prabawa-Sear, CEO, Nature Play who will be discussing the Nature Play in the Park program that they have delivered with several local governments. Nature Play are currently evaluating the programs and have some interesting insights to share with the sector.

We will also be joined by Tom Fleming, Principal Policy Officer, Child Safeguarding Implementation Unit, DLSGC who will be discussing Child Safety Self-assessment for Local Governments.

The Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries has been working with the local government sector to help them improve the safety and wellbeing of children and young people in their communities. As part of this work, the Child Safeguarding Implementation Unit within DLGSC has developed a child safety self-assessment for local governments. Once completed, the self-assessment will provide local governments with resources about the child safe reforms that do, or will, impact their organisation based on their level of engagement with children and young people. The self-assessment will also provide valuable data to the Unit to assist them in planning and delivering further tailored supports to assist the sector the implement child safe reforms.


Wednesday 26 June 2024


10.00am - 11.00am


Online via zoom


Members: Complimentary

Non-Member $50 (per webinar)

Local Government Subscribers: $50 (per webinar)