Data Drives Decisions Project

A new program designed to assist local governments to make complex and important decisions based on consistent and credible data.

LG Professionals WA is excited to announce the launch of our new Data Drives Decisions Project (DDD).
The project was launched via an information webinar on 12 December 2023, a recording can be viewed here.
The DDD Project is an initiative co-designed with the local government sector for the operational needs of the sector. We are excited to launch this program to assist local governments to make complex and important decisions based on consistent and credible data. The DLGSC is supportive of this program in principle.

The core function of the DDD project is to create a cohesive program framework to facilitate feedback loop between local government’s strategic community plan, insights into the wider sector and individual local government’s operational needs and priorities by using data source to highlight asset, expense and revenue data. The three key sources of information include: 
1. Annual Grants Commission Acquittal
2. LGIS Asset Register
3. MyCouncil website
There will be no additional requirement from your local government to input any additional data. The program utilises existing IT infrastructure and off the shelf Microsoft products to ensure it is easily accessible to all local governments participating in the program.
Please see prospectus for more information regarding the program.
The more local governments participate, the more credibility the data is and the lower the participation cost will be for future years.
If your local government would like to participate, please provide a purchase order by 29th February 2024 along with: 
Completed Grants Commission Acquittal for the last 5 years
LGIS Asset Registers for the last 5 years

Any questions, please contact Candy Choo at [email protected] or 9271 1136.