Lift Off Aspiring Leaders Mentoring Program

The Lift Off program supports the careers of Members of Local Government Professionals Australia WA (LG Professionals WA) and the development of local government’s future leaders.
It does this through a targeted mentoring and support program.

Overall career development or technical skills mentoring
We are offering mentees the option to choose between overall career development mentoring or technical skills mentoring! (See the mentee form for further details)
Mentors may not necessarily be in a managerial position but may have several years of experience in their field or discipline, which would make them an ideal candidate as a Technical Skills Mentor.


With a focus on developing senior leaders, the programs objectives are:

  • To identify people with leadership potential in local government.
  • To support Members of LG Professionals WA to develop their leadership career.
  • To identify mentors who can support the leadership development of aspiring leaders and contribute to the development of leadership talent across the sector.
  • To encourage the sponsorship of future leaders.
  • To provide added value to the Ignite Leadership and Executive Leadership programs.
  • To provide ongoing support to aspiring leaders who have participated in the program.

How it works

The program delivers a targeted mentoring and support program for a small cohort of 20 mentees supported by 20 mentors.

Expressions of interest will be called for potential Mentees and Mentors. LG Professionals WA will assess expressions of interest against the program’s selection criteria and finalise the lists of Mentees and Mentors.

After Mentees have been matched with an appropriate mentor, training will be conducted for Mentors. This will be followed by an informal ‘kick-off’ session for all mentees and mentors.
Mentees and Mentors are expected to organise their own meetings and at their own expense. While monthly face-to-face meetings are encouraged, it is recognised that other methods such as Zoom may be necessary.

During the year the LG Professionals WA’s Program Coordinator will monitor the program and support Mentees and Mentors where necessary. Formal Guidelines will ensure clarity about the roles and responsibilities of Mentees and Mentors, including relationship protocols.

Other support and development opportunities will be provided to mentees during the program.

Key Dates

June 2024 - July 2024
Call for nominations for mentees and mentors

12 July 2024
Expressions of interest close

July 2024
Assessment of Nominations
Register of Mentors established
Cohort of Mentees endorsed
Matching of Mentees and Mentors finalised

9 August 2024
Mentor Training
‘Kick-Off’ Session

August 2024 - March 2025
Mentees and mentors meet
Other support and development opportunities for mentees
Program monitoring

March 2025
Program wrap-up and evaluation

Please refer to the brochure and nomination forms below for more information.

  Lift Off Program Brochure       

  Lift Off Program Mentee Form       

  Lift Off Program Mentor Form